lately, it's been very difficult to come to terms with COVID-19 basically destroying the rest of the school year for me, as I'm sure it did for others. For this video I wanted to focus on time specifically (space being strictly my own room), and how you may think that it has been just a day that's gone by but as you can see from my clothes changing everyday and the state of messiness my room goes through, its actually days upon days, maybe even weeks. I played with the time aspect by using the time of day in these videos to progressively get darker and darker outside, the darkness at the end reveals to be my "end" as my friend walks up to my room to find me dead. The space is always my room in the beginning, then to signify that things have gone back to normal we finally get some outside scenes with beautiful weather and all.

My whole purpose of this video was not only to show the pure boredom one of self-lock down is facing, but also the danger of the virus itself.

Unlike my previous video poking fun at corona virus, this one takes a more serious stance on it.
the process behind this particular project I found to be the easiest, I knew my idea from the get go after COVID-19 ruined my plans for the other one.

<--- This photo depicts where the camera will be set, propped up against the bottom left leg of my mirror and faced upwards to get a cool angle of myself

This is a still image of me setting up the camera so that I will be able to film --->